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Studio Policies

General Guidelines

All students, parents, siblings, and staff members are to be on their best behavior while in the studio.  This allows us to create a family friendly atmosphere.


Students, parents, and siblings are not permitted to enter any of the dance studios without a teacher present.


All students are to respect the teacher and give them their full attention.  Improper behavior, language or attitude will not be accepted. If any dancer does demonstrate poor behavior, then their teacher may ask them to leave the room.


NO BULLYING!!! There is to be no name calling or physicality of any kind.  THIS IS A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY!!!


Respect the studio.  Please be considerate and clean up any remaining food, drink, or trash before you leave. There is no smoking allowed at the studio!!!


Students should use the restroom before or after class unless it is an emergency. Exiting and entering classes for any purpose is very disruptive to the other students and teachers.


Siblings should not be left unattended or allowed to disrupt classes in session. No horseplay, yelling or running in the lobbies or studios.


No student should leave the studio premises without an adult present or parental consent.  All dancers should wait in the lobby until their parent or guardian arrives.


Out of precaution, if students are not feeling well and have at least a 99.5 degree fever, they should remain home.  Makeup times for missed classes will be provided.  If any student is not feeling well while at the studio, they may be asked to leave class and be picked up.



Tuition is paid monthly. Payments are due by the 1st of every month. Payments can be made via cash, check, or credit card (through Dance Studio Pro). Although some months have 3 weeks and some months have 5 weeks, payments are the same for each month. There will be a $10.00 late fee for any payments made after the 7th of the month. NO EXCEPTIONS.  There will be a $35.00 charge for any returned checks. Any tuition not paid by the 10th of the month may result in your child not being able to participate in classes.

No Deductions/Make-Up Classes

There will be no deductions for missed lessons regardless of the reason for absence. There are no refunds, credits, or transfers. In the event of an absence, a student may attend a make-up class (schedule permitting). To arrange a make-up class, please contact the studio by email or in person.  There are no make-up classes if the studio is closed for holidays and spring/winter recesses.



Consistency of attendance is important to your child’s progress. Please make every effort to have your child attend every class. If you cannot attend class for any reason, please call or email the studio to let us know.


Please make sure your child is on time for class. If you are more than 20 minutes late your child may not be permitted to participate in class that day unless you have notified the studio in advance. Students should arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of class, so that they may stretch, warm-up, and use the restroom.


Dress Code/Class Attire (will be strictly enforced)

Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children's clothing and hair are appropriate for the class taken. Dance instructors have the discretion to remove any student from class whose attire does not comply with the studio dress code.  This is a safety precaution.

No jewelry is allowed (rings, necklaces, bracelets, or watches). Small earrings are allowable.

Communication (Email/Text)

All parents should provide an active e-mail address that is checked often, as well as a cellphone capable of receiving text messages. All notices will be sent via email and/or text.  We ask that you please check your email frequently and read all notices very carefully.  If there is an issue/concern with a class and/or teacher, please email the studio to setup a meeting to discuss.  We ask that parents and/or students do not address the issue in between classes with teachers as it takes time away from other students learning.


Inclement Weather

In the event that the studio must close due to inclement weather or extreme emergency, you will receive an email and/or text. If you are in doubt, call the studio before your class.


Annual Recital

An annual end-of-year performance for all students enrolled at IDA is held in June. This yearly event is designed to showcase each student’s skills and the progress he/she has made as well as to develop his/her performance ability through participation in a theatrical production. Although it is encouraged, participation is not mandatory. There are no refunds after costumes have been ordered.  No more than 4 classes can be missed from April-June if you are participating in the recital.  Failure to abide by this may result in your child not being able to participate in the recital.



Food is not permitted within any of the studios.  Students may bring water bottles into the studios, but all other drinks are prohibited.  Food may be kept in their dance bags and may only eaten in the lobby or lounge.  There is absolutely no gum chewing allowed!


Cellphones and Smart Watches

Unless instructed by the teacher and/or choreographer, there are absolutely NO CELLPHONES ALLOWED in the studios while classes are being conducted.  Cellphones can remain on silent in the students dance bags, which are to remain in the lounge or lobby area.  Smart Watches are NOT ALLOWED during any class.

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